This is the first step toward learning java. Once you get perfect in it then rest of java learning will become easy. You should learn each & every concept carefully.I also covered several loopholes for each topic which will help you to increase your knowledge and stop you for committing silly mistake which every one does. Once you go through,You will definitely love it.
It covers following topics.
1.Identifiers(Chapter -1/LanguageFundamental)
2.Reserve Words(Chapter -2/Language Fundamental)
3.Data types(Chapter -3/Language Fundamental)
4.Arrays(Chapter -4/Language Fundamental)
- Chapter - 4 /Language Fundamental /Arrays /Array Declaration(Part-1)
- Chapter - 4 /Language Fundamental /Arrays /1-D Array Creation In JAVA (Part-2)
- Chapter - 4 /Language Fundamental /Arrays /2-D Array Creation (Part-3)
- Chapter - 4 /Language Fundamental /Arrays /Array Initialization(Part-4)
- Chapter - 4 /Language Fundamental /Arrays /Shortcut method for Array(Part -5)
- Chapter - 4 /Language Fundamental /Arrays /How to find length of an Array(Part-6)